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Flask Projects

Level Project Description Features
Beginners To-Do List Application Build a simple to-do list application where users can add, delete, and update tasks. User registration and authentication, CRUD operations for tasks, task categories or tags, timestamp of the task, basic UI with Flask templates and Jinja2.
Intermediate Online Learning Platform Develop an online learning platform for hosting courses, lectures, and quizzes. Course catalog with categories and search functionality, user registration and authentication, enrolling in courses, tracking progress, interactive quizzes and assignments.
Expert Internet of Things (IoT) Dashboard Develop a dashboard for monitoring and controlling IoT devices in real-time. Integration with IoT devices, data visualization and analytics, device status monitoring and control, customizable rules and automation for device interactions.

Django Projects

Level Project Description Features
Beginners Simple E-commerce Store Develop a simple e-commerce store where users can browse products and view product details. Product catalog with categories, product search functionality, product details page with images, descriptions, and pricing, basic UI with Django templates.
Intermediate Social Media Platform Build a social media platform where users can create profiles, connect with friends, and share posts. User profiles with profile pictures and bio, friend requests and follower system, news feed displaying posts from friends and followed users, like and comment functionality.
Expert Real-Time Chat Application Develop a real-time chat application using Django Channels for instant messaging between users. Real-time messaging with WebSocket communication, group chat rooms and private messaging, user presence indicators, file sharing and multimedia messages.

FastAPI Projects

Level Project Description Features
Beginners Weather Forecast API Create an API that provides weather forecasts based on user input (e.g., city name or ZIP code). Integration with a weather API, endpoint for retrieving current weather conditions, endpoint for fetching hourly or daily forecasts, input validation and error handling.
Intermediate User Authentication and Authorization API Develop an API for user authentication and authorization using JWT (JSON Web Tokens). Endpoints for user registration, login, and password reset, JWT token generation and validation, role-based access control, secure password storage using hashing algorithms.
Expert IoT (Internet of Things) API Build an API for interacting with IoT devices such as sensors, actuators, and smart appliances. Endpoints for device registration, data retrieval, and control commands, support for various IoT protocols, authentication and authorization for device access, real-time data streaming and event handling.